
Secondo Congresso Nazionale NQSTI

Latest News

NQSTI Summer Schools: Exploring the Frontiers of Quantum Technologies
The National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI), in the framework of the celebration of the International ...

Verso la definizione di una strategia italiana per le scienze e tecnologie quantistiche
Le scienze e tecnologie quantistiche, già oggetto di una delle tematiche del bando PNRR che ha dato vita al Partenariato...

Quantum machine learning with Adaptive Boson Sampling via post-selection
A new work published in Nature Communications, Quantum machine learning with Adaptive Boson Sampling via post-selection ...

Seminario e sessioni di gioco
"ll QTris e la Meccanica Quantistica" Prof. Alioscia Hamma, Dott.ssa Michela Nazzaro dell’Università Federico II di Napo...

International School on mid-infrared technologies for quantum sensing - MIRQ
Join the MIRQ Summer School hosted from July 28 to August 1at the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies and dive deep int...

NQSTI partner del progetto ERC-Proof-of-Concept POQUB finanziato dalla Commissione Europea
Il progetto Photonics Quantum Bernoulli Factory (POQUB) è stato finanziato dall’European Research Council nell’ambito de...

Superconductors show surprising thermoelectric response
A new study published in Physical Review Letters predicts that type-II superconductors, typically thought incapable of t...

ERC Consolidator Grant 2024 ad Angela Sara Cacciapuoti
La prof.ssa Angela Sara Cacciapuoti, coinvolta nelle attività del National Quantum Science and Technology Institute attr...

Bandi a cascata: Elenco bandi pubblicati
Finanziamenti destinati ad organismi di ricerca pubblici o privati italiani, che non siano già partners del National Qua...

Workshop Quantum Integration and Topology
On 25 November in Florence, the institutes CNR-INO, ISASI and SPIN organized a scientific workshop, during which some re...

NQSTI è su LinkedIn
Il National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI) ha attivato un proprio profilo LinkedIn, raggiungibile all'...

Generation of heralded vector-polarized single photons in remotely controlled topological classes
We created a quantum source of photon pairs with polarization complex structures.The entangle property in the orbital an...
Terahertz and Infrared Plasmon Polaritons in Topological Semimetal
img { max-width: 80%; height: auto; } Through the scientific synergy between the teams led by Stefano Lupi fro...

Variational quantum algorithm for experimental photonic multiparameter estimation
In a recent publication appeard on npj Quantum Information scientists from Sapienza University of Rome in a collaboratio...

Demonstration of quantum networks of qubits with highly entangled quantum phases
CNR-SPIN (M. Lisitskiy) and CNR-ISASI (B. Ruggiero), have carried out a study of collective quantum dynamics of a superc...

Bubbles of ultracold atoms to understand the quantum vacuum and the universe
In which kind of vacuum is our universe? Modern physics describes our universe as an intricate outcome of the interactio...

Strain Engineering of the Electronic States of Silicon-Based Quantum Emitters
In a recent publication appeared on Advanced Optical Materials, scientists from an European collaboration led by prof. F...

Moiré exciton localisation-to-delocalisation transition
The large interest of scientists for 2D crystals regards them not only as standing alone lattices, but also when combine...

Faster, brighter, ever more entangled: how far can we push quantum-dot emitters?
Long from being solely an argument for physical paradoxes, entangled photons are now investigated as a basic resource fo...

How to certify the quantumness of programmable photonic processors
In a recent publication in the journal Science Advances, scientists from Italy and Portugal demonstrate novel techniques...

NQSTI al Q2B-2023 Silicon Valley, Santa Clara (California, US)
NQSTI è stato invitato al Q2B-2023 Silicon Valley per contribuire alla sessione sulle Government Initiatives. Un'importa...

BiQuTe Inaugural Event for the 25th anniversary of the University of Milano-Bicocca
The University of Milano-Bicocca is pleased to announce the inaugural event of the Bicocca Quantum Technologies Centre -...

Quantum Technologies Public Policies Report 2023
QuantERA mapped and illustrated developments in the Quantum Technology sector for the second time.The report delivers a ...

NQSTI @NanoInnovation2023
PNRR Quantum Science and Technology initiative NQSTI: opportunities for industrial research and innovationSpeakers: Fabi...

NQSTI all’assemblea di fondazione della Società Italiana di Scienza e Tecnologie Quantistiche
A Trieste, all’interno della 15esima edizione dell' Italian Quantum Information Science Conference (IQIS 2023), NQSTI pr...

NQSTI al 109° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica
La scienza e le tecnologie quantistiche protagoniste della tavola rotonda, nella giornata inaugurale del 109° Congresso ...

New cooperation opportunities: NQSTI meets the U.S. Science Envoy on Quantum Technology
On September 5, NQSTI scientists Fabio Beltram and Fabio Sciarrino met Prof. Narang, U.S. Science Envoy on Quantum Techn...

A day of discussion involving the national research and innovation ecosystem on quantum technologies was held at Fondazi...

NQSTI contribution to QuantERA
The QuantERA II ERA-NET Cofund is a consortium of national and regional Research Funding Organisations in Europe financi...