A public selection based on qualifications and an interview is announced for the recruitment of a staff member with a professional profile of Research III level, initial salary range, at the SuPerconducting and other INnovative materials and devices Institute (SPIN) – at- Salerno for carrying out scientific-technological research activities “Theoretical study of quantum systems, superconducting materials and topological states for quantum sensors, metrology and energy efficiency”, within the PNRR – National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI) - SPOKE 2
For admission to the selection, the following are required:
a) Master Degree in Physics, Material Science or related subjects and relevant to the field of experience requested
b) at least three years of experience in the study of transport and dynamics of quantum systems and topological systems. Experiences in the study of superconductors, topological states and Majorana states, Floquet dynamics unconventional superconducting phases, non-reciprocal transport and chiral effects in superconductors will be considered as rewarding elements; or possession of a PhD in subjects related to the required experience;
c) knowledge of the English language
d) knowledge of the Italian language (only for foreign candidates).
Call Detail on the CNR website page