
The workshop on “Quantum Science, Innovation and Technology” (QuaSIT) will take place from September 8 to 13, 2024 in Modica (Sicily), Italy. The workshop targets young researchers working in the field of Quantum Technologies and aims to foster scientific discussions and collaborations among young scientists, experts and industrial partners. The scientific program features keynote talks by leading scientists, contributed talks and poster sessions, and will cover theoretical topics in quantum technologies.
The keynote speakers of the workshop are:
• Christiane Koch (Freie Universitat, Berlin)
• Chiara Marletto (Oxford University)
• Simone Montangero (Università di Padova)
• Mauro Paternostro (Università di Palermo and Queen's University of Belfast)
• Jürgen Stockburger (Institute for Quantum Complex Systems, Ulm University)
• Vlatko Vedral (Oxford University)
• Filippo Vicentini (Ecole Polytechnique)
Within the framework of the activities of Spoke 9 of the National Quantum Science and Technology Institute, the workshop will promote participation of researchers from both private and public institutions and will organize panel discussions with industrial partners actively involved in the field of Quantum Technologies. On September 13th in a public round table, representatives from national and international industries and start-up currently involved in quantum technologies will illustrate their vision on the sectors of current greatest development.
Palazzo Grimaldi, Corso Umberto I 141, Modica, Italy.
The workshop will be an in-person only event and registration is required.
Registration is available at the Registration Workshop Website
Additional information
More information is available at the Workshop Website
Important deadlines
Abstract submission deadline: June 15th, 2024.
Registration deadline: June 15th, 2024.