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Generation of heralded vector-polarized single photons in remotely controlled topological classes
We created a quantum source of photon pairs with polarization complex structures.The entangle property in the orbital an...
Variational quantum algorithm for experimental photonic multiparameter estimation
In a recent publication appeard on npj Quantum Information scientists from Sapienza University of Rome in a collaboratio...
Strain Engineering of the Electronic States of Silicon-Based Quantum Emitters
In a recent publication appeared on Advanced Optical Materials, scientists from an European collaboration led by prof. F...
Moiré exciton localisation-to-delocalisation transition
The large interest of scientists for 2D crystals regards them not only as standing alone lattices, but also when combine...
Faster, brighter, ever more entangled: how far can we push quantum-dot emitters?
Long from being solely an argument for physical paradoxes, entangled photons are now investigated as a basic resource fo...
How to certify the quantumness of programmable photonic processors
In a recent publication in the journal Science Advances, scientists from Italy and Portugal demonstrate novel techniques...